
Porridge Cooling Darkly
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Saturday, September 16, 2006

I am configured to apology mode for this comic's lateness.

I'm going on holidays overseas for about five weeks, starting next week. In the rush to get everything sorted out at the last minute, I've not had the time to make a complete buffer for the time I'll be away. There will be one more comic after today's on Tuesday, then that's it, so rather than go on another hiatus I'm going to make this a guest month. Considering how short notice this is, I don't expect to actually get enough art to fill the month, but if anyone has the time to throw something together then that would be awesome.

I'll have sporadic access to the internets while I'm gone, so you can send guest art to guestart@the-avatar.com any time and I'll get it up on the site as soon as I can. You can put whatever you want in it -- of course something related to The Avatar (or PCD, for that matter) is prefered, but beggars can't be choosers.

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